I would like to issue a refund for this website. If this can be done asap. Thank you
I would like to issue a refund for this website. If this can be done asap. Thank you
What is the link to buy the Wordpress version. Will I be refunded for the other.
What is the link to buy the Wordpress version. Will I be refunded for the other.
Hi Jehangir Jamshed,
Autocare is a static HTML template that we clearly mention on ThemeForest.
Please check the screenshot
It will not be deployed on WordPress so you can buy the WordPress version of AutoCare from us.
Check the WordPress version,
Lakhan G
Dexignlabs Team
Hi it has been more than 24 hours. I am still waiting for a response?
Thank you for the reply of you could help ASAP this would be amazing as I had scheduled for today the progression of the website to go ahead. Thank you.
Attached the purchase sheet
attached files:
Hello Jehangir Jamshed,
Thanks for being our customer.
We have received your Ticket, we will check and update you within 24 hours.
Firstly, please share your purchase code with us.
To find the purchase code: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202822600-Where-Is-My-Purchase-Code
Lakhan G
Dexignlabs Team
When going to install theme on word press not allowing to do so. Giving the following error message
attached files:
Hi Jehangir Jamshed,
As per Themeforest rules, we didn't refund after downloading the item.
You can purchase the Autocare WordPress theme worth 59$,
Please make a payment to the link below for the WordPress Autocare we will provide a package download link,
After you can raise your refund request for Autocare HTML, we will accept your refund request.
Lakhan G
Dexignlab Team