Public Ticket #4643

Presets issues

Lakhan Gaur replied 1 year ago on March 25, 2023 at 09:25 AM

Hello Prince,

Hope you are doing well and your last query has been resolved by the support team.

Sir, we need a favor from you, please drop the best 5-star rating with your golden words ... 

For Drop Item Rating you can follow these steps:-

Go to your Theme-forest Account

Follow this imagesmile.png



Lakhan G

DexignZone Team

Lakhan Gaur replied 2 years ago on January 14, 2023 at 01:36 PM

Hello Prince

Thanks for being our customer.

Sorry for the inconvenience. The theme switcher only for the demo purpose but you can easily change your theme in the below js file.

File Path:- xhtml/js/deznav-init.js

File Name:- deznav-init.js

Follow the documentation. 

Thanks & Regard

Lakhan G

DexignZone Team 

Prince Gupta replied started the conversation 2 years ago on January 14, 2023 at 08:28 AM

Hey Brother you did it very well,

But I am disappointed after buying it becasue I am unabel to find the features of theme & sidebar changings and all

Like the settings part is not avaialble after dwonloading the files but its their in live, can you please add it and send me the files or you can let me know how I can change the whole view from the code itself, I'm a dev so I can understand 

Thanks :)