Hello pietro nuvola,
Thanks for being our customer.
Firstly, please verify your ticket by entering the correct purchase code, there is a need for verification to confirm your purchase.
To find the purchase code: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202822600-Where-Is-My-Purchase-Code
Please check the following link for form wizard: http://techlaboratory.net/jquery-smartwizard
Read and check the above link, I hope by this you don't face any problems in form wizard.
Thanks & Regards
Good evening, I bought the template and I would like to integrate the form wizard but I have seen that the field validations do not work. Can you let me better understand how to integrate them
Hello Yamini,
thanks for the reply, my purchase code is 10101010-10aa-0101-0101-a1b01a01b10
good day