Public Ticket #2112

i don't want to use the additional styles in styleSwitcher.js

Yamini Gaur replied 2 years ago on March 21, 2022 at 11:20 AM

Hello Alexei Mironov,

Please share your demo URL with login details. So we detect the problem.


Alexei Mironov replied 2 years ago on March 17, 2022 at 01:46 PM

I mean this:

If I remove this script named styleSwitcher.js, I get an error in the console from the rest of the scripts, which obviously depend on the styleSwitcher.js

DexignLab 1
Yamini Gaur replied 2 years ago on March 17, 2022 at 11:45 AM

Hello Alexei Mironov,

Thanks for being our customer.

Please verify your ticket to confirm your purchase, there is a need for verification to verify your purchase so please enter a correct purchase code.

Alexei Mironov,

We didn't provide any styleSwitcher.js in our package. So please tell us where did you get this styleSwitcher.js from?

As you say when you remove the file then you see an error in the console. But we didn't provide this file in our package.

So please provide your demo URL with login details so we detect the issue.

Thanks & Regards



Alexei Mironov replied started the conversation 2 years ago on March 16, 2022 at 08:37 PM

Dear team!

What if i don't want to include styleSwitcher.js if i don't need additional styles. What scripts i need to use in this case? 
If i only don't include styleSwitcher.js --- in console i see Errors 

global.min.js:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: PerfectScrollbar is not defined

    at Object.init (custom.min.js:1:3349)

    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (custom.min.js:1:7096)

    at e (global.min.js:2:30038)

    at t (global.min.js:2:30340)
