Public Ticket #3076

Neet only files html

Yamini Gaur replied 2 years ago on July 08, 2022 at 10:41 AM

Hello Isaac Tisnado,

Thanks for being our customer.

Okay! Don't worry about the purchase. We understand your problem.

Isaac Tisnado, we need a favor from you, please drop the best 5-star rating with your golden words ... 

After that, we will share a zip link of the HTML version with you. Firstly drop rating and review on our product and share invoices with us.

For Drop Item Rating you can follow these steps:-

Go to your Theme-forest Account

Follow this imagesmile.png


Thanks & Regards



Isaac Tisnado replied started the conversation 2 years ago on July 08, 2022 at 04:53 AM

Hello, thanks for your time, I would like you to help me since I can't find the theme that I bought in HTML only version, I opened the compressed and everything is PHP and I only need the theme in HTML.

I appreciate you guide me