Public Ticket #1920

I want custom work - Paid

DexignLab 1
Franck ADOUKO replied 3 years ago on February 21, 2022 at 04:21 PM

Hey Guy,

i need more custom :

1. when a user scroll down, the header change to have a background color blanck, and this header is stick. Example :

2. a caroussel of images, with the effect like :

Yamini Gaur replied 3 years ago on February 17, 2022 at 02:43 PM

Hello Franck ADOUKO,

Thanks for being our customer.

Please contact our marketing team on Skype. We have delivered your requirements to our marketing team.

Skype Id: rahulxarma

Thanks & Regards



Franck ADOUKO replied started the conversation 3 years ago on February 16, 2022 at 10:04 PM


I bought the NextJs Samar template. I need, in this NextJS Samar template  :

  • a new link on the header bar of the samar page, which will call : admin;
  • 2 pages of login and dashboard : when a user click on this admin link, he will be redirected to a fake login  page (, and after logged in (with fake credentials), it will be redrected to the dashboard;
  • a left sidebar in this dashboard multi level menu included - (menus and submenus, example: item1->item11, item12, item2->item21, item22 );
  • an header with logo, a search field, select fields, all required icons, and the profile icon with its popover, like the reference link page;
  • a right sidebar which appears when a user click on the settings icon in the header bar, like the reference side bar;

the dashboard will not contain any components, example : when the user click on the item11 (which is a submenu), he will just see the title "ITEM 11", in the main page or when when the user click on the item1 (which is a menu), he will just see the title "ITEM 2", in the main page;

  • the dashboard will be responsive;
  • the links on the samar will have an effect on mouse-over, like this header page :
  • the dashboard and the login page will be in nextjs (with react). It's just an improvment of the template. The CODE SOURCE of the dashboard and the login page will not be in html, BUT in the context of the template : nexjts and react.

Because you have this template, you could make the changes and show me. If it's right for me with the above specifications, i will pay your customize service. Let me know, if you are agree, i will pay 50% in advance. The delivered zip file of your customize service will have all the specifications, please.

kinds regards,

Franck ADOUKO.