Public Ticket #7674

Use components in my old dashboard.

Yamini Gaur replied 1 year ago on July 21, 2023 at 05:24 AM

Hello mehmet salih,

Thanks for being our customer.

You can use our element in other templates but when you put it on another template you also put their related functions, for the element's work.

But we do not provide support on another template, If there is any design issue in our template then we are here to resolve your query.

Thanks & Regards



mehmet salih replied started the conversation 1 year ago on July 19, 2023 at 12:43 PM

Hi, I hope you're doing well. I've just purchased the Admin Dashboard Template 

Actually I am currently using another free admin dashboard template. And really like some of your dashboard items.

I want to take a part and put into my panel. 
I think there should be some conflict issues about css.

Have you any suggestions for customers want to use spesific parts? 
I am looking forward your answer :)
Have a nice day!