Hello Leigh,
1. You will see Sign-In and Sign-Up buttons without login.
check: https://prnt.sc/A1iEOQFP3zfR
2. The service icon saving issue and custom color issue has been resolved you can check it.
Khelesh M
DexignZone Team
Sorry but I have come across another issue that I am unable to find a solution.
If I change to Custom Colour, the button hover colour turn to white so it is not visable, I have looked at the CSS but cant find where to change.
I have just come across another issue with the template in regards to editing the Service Pages.
If I add the header and breadcrumbs, I then loose the Service Flat Icon, If I then re-add the icon, I loose the page header.
Hi Khelesh
All of the theme options were set up correctly and I have tried to copy over the supplied PHP File but this caused all of the header to disappear just leaving the top bar and no menu.
If you could take a look: http://jwdclients.com/teacher/
U: admin
P: joe124!
Hello Leigh,
Please follow some given settings
I also attached a ZIP file that contains header_to_bar_1.php file. Please replace it with an existing file.
File Path: themes\bodyhealth\dz-inc\elements\header_top_bar_1.php
If you have any other issues please share your wp-login URL, credentials, and FTP details. Our team will do it for you.
Khelesh M
DexignZone Team
attached files:
I have purchased and started to set up your Body Health template. On the Theme Options it mentioned, show / hide login and registration on the pages but this does not seem to make any difference.
I would be very useful to have this working as I intend top use a membership area for the website.
We are happy to help you.
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