Public Ticket #7701

Request for demo images

Yamini Gaur replied 1 year ago on July 25, 2023 at 12:15 AM

Hello Archie Denolo,

Thanks for being our customer.

Sorry for the late reply, there was some technical error so we couldn't connect with you on time.

Okay! we understand your query, please share your demo URL, FTP Details, & login credentials.

Our team will do it for you.

Thanks & Regards



Archie Denolo replied started the conversation 1 year ago on July 23, 2023 at 04:23 PM

Installation Issue

When I install DZ Core it takes down the whole website and I have to restore it again from the Server Host to make it back up again.

Tried to install several times already.

Do yo have a team who could install this on my website?

I am willing to pay

We have been trying to fix this ourselves but we can't. please help