Public Ticket #4034

Installation Issue

Yamini Gaur replied 2 years ago on November 11, 2022 at 06:22 AM


Sir, we didn't write it in the document, but we will update it as soon as possible.

Our product mainly supports node version 17; the latest version 18 was recently released. So we will update our products according to this version as soon as possible.


NASRUL ARIF replied 2 years ago on November 09, 2022 at 04:22 PM

I installed the latest node (18.12.1 LTS) and run npm install - it works and the template can be accessed as usual, thanks~

Did the documentation stated that we need node version 17 and above? I didn't see it, or maybe I kinda missed it.

NASRUL ARIF replied 2 years ago on November 09, 2022 at 12:22 PM

Hello Yamini Gaur,

Thanks for the response... Here my purchase detail:

Item ID: 39097688

Item Purchase Code: a2120c3d-d04a-45aa-9dc2-d95b61556cd2

Purchase Date: 2022-11-08 13:34:35 UTC


So I have to update my node to 17, is that what you mean sir. I shall try when I am a bit free - will get back to you soon...

Thanks again.

Yamini Gaur replied 2 years ago on November 09, 2022 at 06:59 AM


Thanks for being our customer.

Firstly please share the purchase code with us, there is a need for verification to confirm your purchase

To find the purchase code please follow the given link:

Please check your node version, this project supports node version 17 

Follow the documentation:

Thanks & Regards



NASRUL ARIF replied started the conversation 2 years ago on November 08, 2022 at 03:39 PM

Node Version: 16.13.0
NPM Version: 8.19.3
OS: Windows 10 - version 21H1 - OS Build 19043.2130, 64-bit os, x64-based processor

  1. I bought "Invome : React Redux Invoicing Admin Dashboard" from themeforest.
  2. I downloaded the zipped folder from themeforest after successful payment.
  3. A zipped folder is successfully downloaded, which I then unzip it.
  4. The folder contains: documentation [folder] and
  5. I have no issue with documentation folder.
  6. I unzip into another directory (which become my project directory)
  7. I followed the documentation provided (with NodeJS 16.13.0 and npm 8.19.3 installed).
  8. I opened command prompt as administrator.
  9. I changed to the directory of the project (where was unzipped) within command prompt.
  10. I entered "npm install" command.
  11. And I got the errors as attached image in the zipped folder provided below (I also include the error log file).


Things I have tried:

  • "npm install -legacy-peer-deps"
  • "npm cache clean"
  • "npm audit"
  • "npm audit fix"
  • "npm audit fix --force"

None worked.